Day #1.1 Discovery

(orig timestamp 26 july 2007 01:00 (am))
Suddenly I extract this from my train of thoughts: - She never knows what she wants ! - I know what I want ! - Do I ? - Or do I just think that I know ?

So all that time I thought I knew what I want, but I didn't (or couldn't put it into words) Well, if you'd have asked me yesterday (or any day in the past) you would have heard anywhere between 30 sec and 30 minutes explanation, but you still wouldn't know (because I didn't)

And because of thinking it (and maybe because of the self-hypnosis (after one time ?)) about it, I found a solution. A back to the basics really: I want to be someone I can be proud of. I'm gonna put that on my wall tomorrow.

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